President Obama’s executive action on immigration will help millions of undocumented immigrants and their families stay and work in the US. Registration will open few months, but you can start preparing today.
Antonini & Cohen has launched a special section of our website that provides the information you need to learn more about qualifying and registering for these new immigration programs. Visit our special website section today, or click the “LEARN MORE” link at the top of our homepage.
In addition to important information and updates from about President Obama’s executive action announced on November 20, 2014, this special website section helps answer questions about the programs, like:
What are the requirements for the new DAPA and DACA programs?
What are the benefits of applying?
When can I apply?
What documents will I need if I apply?
How does a criminal history affect my ability to apply?
How has the U.S. government changed deportation priorities and provisional waivers?
As always, we encourage you to use our website and blog articles to help guide your understanding of your immigration case. Then please contact an experienced immigration attorney at Antonini & Cohen to ensure that your case is being handled properly.